MOURIES - Le tour des Alpilles à vélo, jour 2

2. MOURIES - Le tour des Alpilles à vélo, jour 2

A lookout, a viewpoint
Heritage and history
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Prenez-en plein la vue, grâce aux paysages variés de cette partie des Alpilles !

Cette deuxième journée vous invite à voguer sur les routes de la partie sud-ouest des Alpilles. Après avoir profité de la quiétude des oliveraies, promenez-vous au coeur du massif et de ses reliefs majestueux, dont les Opies, point culminant des Alpilles. Traversez ensuite la plaine de Roquemartine pour rejoindre le village d'Orgon, aux abords de la Durance et du Petit Luberon.

11 points of interest

  • Patrimony and history

    The Saint-Jacques-le-Majeur

    The church is the place of the Saint-Jacques chapel, they found writings dating from the eleventh century. and has been replaced to accommodate the growing number of parishioners. The building in front of you dates from 1783. He has had several downgrades during the Revolution, but also following the 1909 earthquake that caused the collapse of the bell tower.

  • Patrimony and history

    St. Roch oratory

    Topped on a central pillar in stone, this small chapel was built in 1822, against cholera raging in the region. A niche was built, bullet-shaped, covered by a stone flat roof. A marble plaque was added to the building, where one can read "SAINT ROCH PRIEZ FOR US. 1822-1886 ".

  • Produits du terroir

    The route of the olive groves

    On D24a connecting Mouriès to Aureille, you will drive for about 5km on a road punctuated by numerous olive groves. You can then explore all the various activities in relation with the planting of olive trees. These activities range from intensive farming with tight plants and bare soil to organic farming with widely spaced plants and vegetation cover.

  • Panorama

    Mosaic plant

    The irregular plant mosaic is the result of clearing work carried out under the LIFE program of the Alpilles. Its objective is to promote the reintegration of species living in the open air environment. The species include small game, such as the wild rabbit and red-legged partridge, that constitues the main food source for predatory birds of the Alpilles such as Bonelli's eagle and the Egyptian vulture.

  • Patrimony and history

    Notre Dame de l'Assomption

    Once you have reached Aureille, I invite you to make a detour in the center of the village to admire the church of Notre Dame de l’Assomption. The construction of this neo-Romanesque church was initiated by the parish priest, named Father Pauleau, who arrived in 1867 at Aureille. The first stone was laid by the Archbishop of Aix, George Chalandon, on 31 March of that year. His plans are the work of the architect Auguste Veran from Arles.

  • Panorama

    View of Les Civadières and Les Opies

    Getting out of Aureille, it is possible to contemplate the presence of a set of rocky ridges. They are located southeast of the Alpilles and include Les Civadières and the highest point of the Regional Nature Park: Les Opies 498m high. Some of their rock walls are now the favorite site for many climbing lovers.

  • Panorama

    View of the Civadières

    Located in the immediate vicinity of the highest point of the Alpilles, the crests of Civadières, high of 446 m offer a broad panorama on the solid mass of Alpilles, Petit Luberon and Mont Ventoux. They are part of the most ancient geological formations of the Park, dating back from the Jurassic. ;

  • Panorama

    View on the Roquemartine lowland

    This opening of the landscape, which follows a pine forest, reveals the Roquemartine lowland. It is between the eastern end of the Alpilles on the left and Mont Menu and Defens on the right. In the distance, one can also distinguish very clearly the first reliefs of the Petit Luberon. It forms a landscape where each element composes a harmonious whole, of a great serenity.

  • Patrimony and history

    Roquemartine castle

    Also called "Queen Jeanne Castle", it dates from the twelfth century and belonged to the family of Alba. Below is the Church Saint-Sauveur, which was formerly the parish church of Roquemartine village. The castle and the church form an original landscape perched on a spur overlooking the lowland below. At the beginning of the seventeenth century, the castle is abandoned in favor of the New Roquemartine castle, in lowland. This site has been registered with the historical monuments in 1926.

  • Savoir-faire

    Provençales hedges

    Symbols of Provence, many hedges segment the territory and separate the various plots. Composed of cedar or cypress, these hedges have the primary function of protecting the various crops from mistral and frost. These trees are also known for their wood, very solid and fragrant, and have served to build the framework of many farmhouses of the Alpilles.

  • Panorama

    View on the Notre-Dame de Beauregard Chapel

    Place of Christian pilgrimage today, this promontory is a place of worship probably since the protohistory. Many vestiges of the altars were found on the site. The current chapel was erected in 1878 on the site of a chapel that had become too small to accommodate pilgrims. Many ex-voto testify to a great religious fervor granted to this place The building below is a former convent built by the Augustinians Déchaussés (17th century).


De la Maison du tourisme, revenir au rond-point et le traverser pour suivre la D24. Après 1,5 km, récupérer à droite la D24a et la suivre jusqu'à Aureille.

1- Emprunter à gauche la D25a. Après 4 km, gravir à droite la D25 et continuer sur 7,5 km. Au carrefour avec la D569, prendre à droite. Au rond-point, poursuivre en face sur 150 m.

2- Tourner à gauche en direction de Sénas et continuer pendant 7 km. Franchir le rond-point direction Sénas. Après 300 mètres, prendre à gauche le chemin de « Donne », juste avant le passage à niveau. Continuer jusqu’à Orgon et son centre-bourg.
  • Departure : Bureau d'Information Touristique, Mouriès
  • Arrival : Orgon
  • Towns crossed : Mouriès, Aureille, Eygalières, Eyguières, Lamanon, Sénas, and Orgon


Altimetric profile


L'itinéraire se faisant en 3 jours, penser à réserver un hébergement en fonction de la distance journalière à parcourir. Contacter l'Office de Tourisme Alpilles-en-Provence, Maussane-les-Alpilles, et les Bureaux d'Information Touristique d'Eyguières et Orgon.

Pour votre sécurité, et pour la préservation des massifs forestiers, l'accès aux espaces naturels est règlementé de juin à septembre. Renseignez-vous pendant la période estivale au 08 11 20 13 13 (prix d'un appel local) ou sur Téléchargez gratuitement l'application MYPROVENCE ENVIE DE BALADE (disponible sur Appstore et Android Market).

Information desks

House of the Alpilles Regional Nature Park

2, boulevard Marceau, 13210 Saint-Rémy-de-Provence (0)4 90 90 44 00

Located in the heart of the city centre of Saint-Rémy-de-Provence, the House of the Alpilles Nature Park welcomes you to its completely renovated premises. This new vibrant place is multifunctional: it accommodates the Park's engineering team but also has a public reception space and showrooms. A true resource centre of the Park's heritage, it aims to support and promote locals, visitors and tourists on all 16 municipalities of the Park.

Open Monday to Friday, from 9 am at 12:30 pm and from 1:30 pm to 5 pm.

Free admission.

Find out more

OTI Alpilles-en-Provence

Place Jean Jaurès, 13210 Saint-Rémy-de-Provence (0)4 90 92 05 22


Chercher les horaires des transports en communs sur le site sur la commune de Mouriès.

Access and parking

A 22 km au nord-ouest de Salon-de-Provence, par la D17, D17e, puis D17.

Parking :

Parking Place de l'Europe, Mouriès


Hybrid bike
Emergency number :114

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