Advice and Recommendations

On foot, by bicycle, by mountain bike or by horse, on a trail or on the road, let’s all work together to protect the wealth of natural spaces by following a few basic rules and by being a responsible visitor.

1. One day of trail, eight days of health!

I never neglect the preparation of my itinerary. I make sure of the weather conditions before leaving. I use a suitable equipment and in good condition. I leave with sufficient water, a minimum of food, a first aid kit and a mobile phone to call the emergencies services (112 or 18).


2. The fire is the enemy of the forest… and of the hiker!

I do not smoke in the forest and do not light a fire.


3. In the summer, access to the massifs is regulated!

Each year, during the summer, access to certain forest areas is regulated according to weather conditions and fire risk. Walks, hikes, but also traffic and parking of vehicles are limited or prohibited according to prefectoral regulations in force in each department.I inquire before leaving:


4. I park in the car parks ... like in the city!!!

I do not hinder the emergency services or the work of farmers, foresters and others.


5. During a hike, I do not go off the beaten track! 

By doing so I avoid the trampling of crops, plants and insects.


6. I am allowed to go: so I respect the properties !

I respect the state of the trails, I stay on the right track. As a priority I follow the signposted and authorized paths, I respect the private properties. I close the gates of the fences after my passage. I am always polite with other users and the owners of the premises.


7. Pastoral area = protection dog !

I never crosses a herd, I bypass it widely. While I am facing the protection dog, I stop in order to give him enough time to identify me, I do not caress or threat him.


8. My dog on a leash !

Wild fauna without stress and herds soothed.


9. A trash is in its place in a trash can! !

I sort my waste in the appropriate containers.


10. The animals have ears ... so be quiet !t!

A frightened beast can abandon his little one...


11. I avoid picking wild plants.

I thus preserve the protected species.


12. No, I do not steal minerals and fossils..

I leave them to Earth!!!!!


13. Dry stone shaken = guaranteed death of the structure !

I preserve the works that are witness of our history.


14. The hunt : traditional leisure in the countryside.

From the beginning of autumn, I must be attentive to hunting groups !


15. Motorcycle, quad, 4x4 : No off-road !

I ride only on the lanes open to public traffic.


16. I keep an eye, I participates on

I point out the anomalies that I can see on the way: markup error, faulty panel, pollution, need for security, conflict of use ...


17. I film but I follow the proper rules !

I inquire beforehand about my project of film making with the local actors, the communes, the Park concerned or even the National Forests Office, on the regulatory obligations, the constraints of overflight of drone, the possibilities of filming on private passages, etc.


18. I brush off and preserve my heritage !

If I clear the way and if I work willingly for better trails, I do not open new tracks in wild areas or multiply the mesh of trails on areas already heavily used.
I do not reopen either old ways or beacons of routes without favourable opinion of the departments, communes, Park, National Forest Office or the owners.


Safety Instructions


Protection dogs for the herd

Some hiking cross lawns or mountain pastures are grazed by herds. These are often guarded by sheepdogs or defensive dogs, against predators, such as paws. These dogs do not develop particular aggressiveness towards humans but as their role is to dissuade any intruder to approach the herd they can be "protectors"

It is therefore recommended that hikers never cross a herd but go around it widely. When you are facing the protection dog, let him identifies you, stay calm and passive, do not threaten him, do not pet him. Keep your dog on a leash.

Consult the instructions "how to behave in front of the protection dogs?"