Lac de Souliers

Lac de Souliers

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From la Casse Déserte, at the foot of Côte Belle, discover a beautiful mountain lake in the mountain pastures at the foot of the Pic de Rochebrune.

It all started with a breathtaking view of the Casse Déserte and its lunar atmosphere which is constantly rumbling. Then came the dark wood and elegant torture the weather has inflicted on trees. These trees, twisted, bent or uprooted assert their scars, both the harshness of life here but also the strength and flexibility that characterize them and which allow them to live and grow in this hostile terrain. After the forest is the alpine meadow, the screes and austerity of the Grand Rochebrune which accompany the track to the Lac de Souliers.

4 points of interest

  • Patrimony and history

    Legend of the Arvieux valley

    In the Middle Ages, a young man of the Arvieux valleymarried a woman of rare beauty from Ristolas. They had 5 daughters who found husbands, prosperity and happiness. A picture so perfect that other villagers believed it was witchcraft. 2 castes were formed, the "Renom" for the sorcerers and the "Belle", the wealthiest. This custom was kept in the valley for a long time. If the legend keeps a poetic side, other theories exist. One involves the arrival of new residents and the protectionism of natives. Another speaks of "witch hunts" that raged in the middle of the 14th century.
  • Panorama

    View from the Lac de Souliers

    The Lac de Souliers offers an exceptional view. Here, the view towards the Arvieux valley. To the right, the Pic du Béal Traversier overlooks the valley. At the centre, the Croseras ridge plunges on the gorges of the Guil. And bat the back, the Pointe de la Saume and the peaks of Fonte Sancte, Pnestrel and Houerts overlook the Ceillac valley.
  • Geology

    Lac de Souliers

    Gypsum is a soluble stone and of low cohesion. When confined in the presence of water, the rock dissolves, leaving holes in the ground containing it. The land thus weakened may collapse. The Lac de Souliers settled on the dissolution funnel of a gypsum pocket. Its almost perfect circular form, earned him the nickname of the "eye of Queyras".
  • Geology

    Casse Déserte

    This unique arid landscape has had a special formation. During the Mesozoic era (-250 to -65 million years ago), sediments settled at the bottom of the Thetys Ocean and formed layers of sedimentary rocks. 40 million years ago, 2 layers, one from the Triassic period (-250 million years ago) and the other from the Cretaceous period (-140 million years ago) collided and inversed. The limestones are crushed and become brittle. Subsequently, water rich in sulphate partly dissolve the limestone giving it this decayed appearance and produces a solution which forms a cement and consolidates these rocks. The friability of the rocks and the action of freeze-thaw climate continue to fuel the screes.


From the car park, cross the road and take the path on the right that enters the forest.
1 - At the point Le Vallon (2 340m), exit the forest, reach a bridle, take the path on the left. Go up until the Lac de Souliers. The same route is used for the return.

  • Departure : La Casse Déserte
  • Arrival : La Casse Déserte
  • Towns crossed : Arvieux and Château-Ville-Vieille


Altimetric profile

Information desks

House of the Queyras Regional Nature Park

3580 Route de l’Izoard, 05350 Arvieux (0)4 92 46 88 20

The House of the Queyras Regional Nature Park is closed to the public.

Find out more

OTI du Guillestrois et du Queyras

Maison du Tourisme du Queyras, 05350 Château-Ville-Vieille (0)4 92 46 76 18


05 Voyageur: 04 92 502 505 Tourist Office of Queyras: 04 92 46 76 18

Access and parking

From Arvieux, follow the D902 towards the Col d'Izoard and Briançon. Park at Casse Déserte, 2km before the Col d'Izoard.

Parking :

La Casse Déserte

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