The "Belvédère des Vautours" trail

The "Belvédère des Vautours" trail

A lookout, a viewpoint
Heritage and history
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From the viewpoint, admire the flight of the vultures in the Gorges du Verdon, their favourite stomping ground.

To discover the charm of a village of Haute Provence, Trigance, a village overlooking the valley of Jabron is to discover its architectural treasures dominated by its castle, the Carajuan and Sautet bridges.

1 point of interest

  • Fauna

    The gravedigger, a true lord...

    The Griffon Vulture along with its alpine cousin, the Bearded Vulture, are the largest raptors in France which can reach nearly 3m wingspan and weigh between 6 to 7kg. Like all scavengers, by vultures "recycling" the carcasses, they contribute to public health and participate in the great life cycle of matter. With the success of this reintroduction, the same sponsors and players are now interested in another lost loved one, the Cinereous vulture.


From the car park at the entrance of Trigance, go up to the village by the Rue du Four. Go through the village taking the Rue de l'Horloge and reach to the Henry Giraud square. Go past the grocery store, the heritage museum and continue along the small road towards the Gorges du Verdon (Rue du St-Esprit). Leave the road accessing the castle to the left (cannot be visited).

1 - At the next turn (Combaou de Breis), go straight and take the path towards the Carajuan and Sautet bridges (purple markings). When coming out of the pines and spruces, leave the road coming from the right and continue for 500m until the crossing with the Granges de Breis route.

2 – Turn right down the track towards the Carajuan bridge.

3 – At 500m at the signpost les Merlatieres make a detour (700m there and back) taking the Sautet the bridge and resume by taking the path leading towards the Carajuan bridge at 2km.

4 – At the Carajuan bridge, take the path just before, to the left and go up 1.1km to the Belvédère des Vautours (250m of elevation)

5 – Turn around and return to the starting point by the same route.

  • Departure : From the town square (H. Giraud), Trigance
  • Arrival : From the town square (H. Giraud), Trigance
  • Towns crossed : Trigance


Altimetric profile


We recommend at least 2L of water per person, a hat, proper walking shoes and a pair of binoculars.

Information desks

House of the Verdon Regional Nature Park

Domaine de Valx, 04360 Moustiers-Sainte-Marie (0)4 92 74 68 00

House of the Verdon Regional Nature Park

Find out more

OT Aups

Place Martin Bidouré , 83630 Aups 94 84 00 69

Access and parking

200m after the car park located on the D90 at the entrance of the village of Trigance.

Parking :

Parking à l'entrée sud-ouest du village de Trigance (D90)

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