Plan des Noves

Plan des Noves

Heritage and history
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This hike is an opportunity to come back to the rich agricultural past of Plan des Noves, former "granary" of the Vençois country. Panoramic peaks and canyon are waiting for you!

"Just 10 minutes drive from the city center of Vence, Plan Noves, Natural Departmental Park, will leave you with the memory of an unforgettable outdoor experience. This exceptional natural heritage will certainly give you the desire to come back in any season to recharge your batteries. " Florent Bosco - OT from Vence

6 points of interest

  • Fauna


    From his latin name, Parnassuis Appolo, the Apollo is a large butterfly with a wingspan of 35 to 40 mm. These wings represent red and black drawings and ocelli that appear as decoys for their predators.

  • Flora

    Bloodied geranium

    The crimson-purple colour of the flowers of this geranium of its Latin name, Geranium sanguineu, prevents any confusion with other species. Its leaves are cut into strips and turn red in autumn, hence the hint of blood. This plant from June to September, likes dry and hot soils.

  • Flora

    Orchis Papillion

    Beautiful orchid of its Latin name, Anacamptis papilionacea, the Orchis papillion has red flowers with wide pink lip striped with purple being very characteristic. These petals are folded in gutter and oriented toward the front. It flowers from April to May.

  • Patrimony and history

    Dry stone

    This vast territory reveals many heritage treasures. The remains of rural habitats, bories, dry stone buildings, testify to a strong ancestral agro-pastoral activity that remains very present in our days. The sector of the Plan Des Noves is the proof of it!

  • Panorama

    Le Baou!

    This panoramic ridge offers a sumptuous view of the Baou de Saint-Jeannet 802 m high and recognizable by its steep escarpment. One of the jewels of the landscape heritage of the Préalpes d'Azur! You will notice the presence of the Cagne canyon 300 m lower, as you will hear the rustling of its generous waters.

  • Patrimony and history

    The restanques

    The restanques designate a development of terraces of dry stone crops. We find them very often in this Provençal landscape. They are evidence of an adaptation of the man in the natural environment in order to perpetuate the agricultural activity: Better retention of waters, limitation of the erosion of the topsoil.


From the Plan des Noves car park, go down slightly on the GR®51 until you reach the marker 65.

1- Take the path on the left to follow the circuit of Plan des Noves, until the marker 65a.

2- Turn right on the path (PR), 400 m further to the intersection turn left again on the path (PR) to gradually reach the ascent to the ridge. Go past the remarkable ruined sheepfold and continue 500 m to the crossroads.

3- Go down on the right on the path of "Mangia Pan" to find a track to reach the intersection.

4- Take the path on the right to return to point 1. Take the path used to go back to the Plan des Noves car park.

  • Departure : Plan des Noves car park, Vence
  • Arrival : Vence
  • Towns crossed : Vence


Altimetric profile


Beware of grazing areas, if you encounter a protection dog, behave appropriately.

Information desks

OT Vence

Place du grand jardin, 06140 Vence (0)4 93 58 06 38

Prealpes of Azur Regional Nature Park 4 92 42 08 63

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Access and parking

Less than 8 km north of Vence towards Coursegoules by the RM (Metropolitan Route)

Parking :

Parking du Plan des Noves


Département des Alpes-Maritimes - Randoxygène

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