SAINT MARTIN DE CRAU - Circuit of Garrigue

SAINT MARTIN DE CRAU - Circuit of Garrigue

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Discover the scrubland by browsing the towns of Saint-Martin-de-Crau and Mouriès, with a magnificent view of the Alpilles.

After browsing a wild scrubland and closed, take the time to stroll along olive groves punctuated with a more open scrubland. This circuit will bring you to the meeting of a rich biodiversity, where the passionate birds and insects will then have the pleasure to discover them according to the landscapes.

5 points of interest

  • Flora


    The scrubland (Provençal "garrigo") is a plant formation characteristic of the Mediterranean regions. This formation, which is established in limestone massifs in dry ground, results generally from the degradation of the oaks forests. In France, it occupies about 400 000 ha, mainly in Provence and Languedoc. The scrubland can be a place of pastoral activity and a source of small wood for crafts.

  • Flora

    Green Oaks

    The green Oak (Quercus ilex) is an evergreen tree of the Fagaceae family. It can reach 5 to 20 meters high, as well as a longevity of 200 to 2000 years. It is sometimes called "false holly" oak in reference to its leaves that resemble those of holly. The Green Oak is an emblematic species of the French Mediterranean south and is the dominant tree species of scrubland formations. ;

  • Produits du terroir

    The olive tree

    Emblematic culture of the territory of the Alpilles, the olive tree is the symbol of the dry Mediterranean climate. Its multiple trunks are the result of a release at the strain level following a significant frost in 1956. Today, some of the olives and oils produced in the Alpilles are recognized nationally and internationally, benefiting from the Protected Designation of Origin (PDO).

  • Water and rivers

    Gaudre of the Mas Neuf

    A gaudre, Provençal term that originally means "small brook", today means a river often dry in summer and low flow the rest of the year. While gaudres are natural formations, the gaudre of the Mas Neuf bed was, meanwhile, channeled by the man and connected to the canal of Baux-de-Provence. As a result, it has lost the specificity of a temporary stream and can provide for crops all year round.

  • Fauna

    Lemon of Provence

    The Lemon of Provence (Gonepteryx Cleopatra) is a butterfly of the Pietérés family and found only in the south of France. It has a wingspan of 25 to 30 mm and leaf-cut wings. Each wing is marked by a brown discoid on one side and a red dot on the other. In the Alpilles, he practices;a vertical migration between the scrubland and the pine forests of the massif. It emerges in the spring on the lowland, then migrates at high altitude in the summer months, and finally goes down again in the fall.


From the parking, pass the barrier and take the right path bordered scrubland (yellow PR marking). Continue for 600 m.

1- Make a left turn then another right. Enter an area where vegetation is less dense. Continue to follow the main path (yellow PR signage) going north on 400 m.

2- Make a left turn while continuing on the main path (yellow PR marking). After 400 m, go down through the olive trees to join the Draille de l'Anellier.

3- Take this draille on the right. Continue straight for 1.5 km until you reach the intersection with the D5. Switch to the right on the latter (stay on the yellow shoulders provided to this effect). Continue 300 m and join the departure car park.

  • Departure : Mas Payan car park, Saint-Martin-de-Crau
  • Arrival : Saint-Martin-de-Crau
  • Towns crossed : Saint-Martin-de-Crau


Altimetric profile


For your safety, and for the preservation of forest areas, access to natural areas is regulated from June to September. Inquire during the summer period on 08 11 20 13 13 (price of a local call) or on Download the application for free MYPROVENCE ENVIE DE BALADE (available on Appstore and Android Market).

Information desks

House of the Alpilles Regional Nature Park

2, boulevard Marceau, 13210 Saint-Rémy-de-Provence (0)4 90 90 44 00

Located in the heart of the city centre of Saint-Rémy-de-Provence, the House of the Alpilles Nature Park welcomes you to its completely renovated premises. This new vibrant place is multifunctional: it accommodates the Park's engineering team but also has a public reception space and showrooms. A true resource centre of the Park's heritage, it aims to support and promote locals, visitors and tourists on all 16 municipalities of the Park.

Open Monday to Friday, from 9 am at 12:30 pm and from 1:30 pm to 5 pm.

Free admission.

Find out more

Maison du Tourisme Saint Martin de Crau

Avenue de la République, 13310 Saint Martin de Crau (0)4 90 47 98 40


Look for public transport times on the site in the town of Saint-Martin-de-Crau.

Access and parking

From Saint-Martin-de-Crau, follow the D113 for 5 km. Turn left on the D5, towards Mouriès. Pass the Payan farmhouse and the canal, the parking is on the first left

Parking :

Parking, Mas Payan


Maison du tourisme Saint-Marin-de-Crau

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